Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Freezing- Boiling Lab

Hypothesis: If we freeze than melt  water than it will have a freezing point of around 0 degrees celsius and melting point of around 15 degrees celsius

Results: After testing this is the graph that the logger pro software gave us.

As you can tell by the graph we never got the desired flat line that was supposed to come toward the end of the graph.  For the freezing water or the red line we think this may have been because we didn’t have the test tube submerged enough until the last minute and a half  when the temperature actually started going down. In the end we couldn’t figure out the exact freezing point for water but we think it was somewhere around -5 degrees celsius where it was at the end. We ran into the same problem with the melting point. We got the ice to melt and spike but we never got the desired flat line to give us the exact melting point. The results were flawed but we think the freezing point would be around -1 degrees Celsius and the melting point might be around 10 degrees Celsius.

1. What happened to the water temperature during freezing? During melting?
During the freezing the temperature went down and flat at 0 degrees. When melting the temperature goes up quickly but we didn’t get the flat line we needed.

2. According to your data and graph, what is the freezing temperature of water? The melting temperature? Express your answers to the nearest 0.1°C.

According to our data our freezing point is 0.5 degrees and melting as 10.6 degrees celsius

3. How does the freezing temperature of water compare to its melting temperature?

The freezing temperature is lower because the less energy  means less heat.

4. Tell if the kinetic energy of the water in the test tube increases, decreases, or remains the same in each of these time segments during the experiment.
a. when the temperature is changing at the beginning and end of Part I b. when the temperature remains constant in Part I c. when the temperature is changing at the beginning and end of Part II d. when the temperature remains constant in Part II
a) In part 1 kinetic energy decreases and b)then is pretty gradual after that point because the energy is the same for a while. In Part 2 c) it changes because the ice melts and the water enters the test tube. d) It remains constant because it is at room temperature.

5. In those parts of Question 4 in which there was no kinetic energy change, tell if potential energy increased or decreased.
It decreased because water loses energy if it is not being affected. There is gradual loss in energy over time.

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