Monday, October 17, 2011

100 greatest discoveries reflection

Chemistry has evolved immensely over the past 2 centuries. It all started with the discovery of oxygen. They managed to seperate a different type of element from mercury. Another scientist reviewed the case and found that this was oxygen; this showed that air wasn't an element but rather several elements were combined through-ought the sky. After that future scientist had a new type of element to work with. They started by making atoms bigger. It was believed that all elements were made with just atoms but eventually they figured out that when they put the atoms together it made more sense. By combining these atoms they found molecules. After this they got smaller again by discovering the parts that make up atoms. In the form of electrons. During this experiment they found that these electrons have mass and that they could move them with a magnet. The knowledge from these expanded and allowed us to find to theories on these miniature objects. Some new chemists found out how to find the specific elements of the object that the burn by viewing the spectrum of light it produces. Using this technique we have been able to find out how to make new inventions like solar panels. The show ended with two more recent inventions polymers or plastics, which make most of what we use today. Finally, a work still in the making, they discovered a new element that was stiffer than any other object priorly disvovered. If it works it could revolutionize  the materials we make things out of.

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