Sunday, November 6, 2011

Alka-seltzer Lab

Hypothesis: If we are to put alka-seltzer in varying degrees of water, then the higher heat will make the alka-seltzer dissolve quicker.

Results: After testing we found that our hypothesis was proven during this experiment. We tested the alka- seltzer at 2,27, and 51 degrees. At 2 degrees it took 143 seconds to dissolve. At 27 degrees it took 31 seconds. Finally at 51 degrees it took19 seconds for the alka-seltzer to fully dissolve. My group thinks that the reason the alka-seltzer reacted quickly with the hot water is because there was more energy in the hot water so the alka-seltzer is reacting faster. With the cold water there was less energy so the reactions happened slowly.
In the future I would like to see if the temperature of the actual tablet would affect the reaction as drastically as the temperature of the water did. I would also like to see if there was some sort of chemical we could add that would stop the alka-seltzer reacting. During the experiment I would also like to see what it looks like on a smaller scale and see smaller clusters of atoms reacting.

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