Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trinity and Beyond

Recently in class we were shown a film called Trinity and Beyond showcasing the history and science of the atomic bomb and nuclear weaponry. The beginning of nuclear weaponry started in the WW2 era when America's Manhattan project who's goal was to create the first atomic bomb. This project started because fear of a German nuclear weapon, and attracted many notable scientists such as Albert einstein. After testing they finally managed to create the atom bomb which worked using very fast neutron collisions which start a chain reaction in the form of fission making a large amount of energy as the result. The atom bomb as we all know was used on Japan in the form of two bombs, "Little Boy" and "Fat man", making large amounts of destruction. These explosions may have marked the end of World War 2 but started the race towards new nuclear technologies between Russia and America. From the 40's to the 80's these two nations had continual testing of nuclear weapons making them more powerful. Soon after WW2 the atom bomb design was discarded and eventual testing led up too the more powerful H bomb. The Testing and explosive power came to a cumulation until in the late 80's  when Russia and America signed a treaty putting limits on nuclear weapon stockpiles. Nuclear weapons presented unprecedented amounts of destruction that have potential to cause wide spread destructions.

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